I am the girl that likes to stay in pyjamas all day, sipping a cup of tea whilst watching one of my nerd shows. However sometimes I like to dress up and be a lady. I was fortunate to win a High Tea at the Hilton International Hotel through the Good Food and Wine Festival. It meant that five of my friends and I could dress up all nice and pretty and be ladies. According to my friend N, this means changing our names to Metsy and Betsy.
Overall, the High tea was an enjoyable experience. Would I of actually paid for it, all my friends and I agreed with no. Although everything was adequate, for $39 a head, I personally think you should be able to choose what you want on your high tea platters.
I liked that I ate out of my comfort zone today, I tried caviar for the first time and pate. I must say, I think I am a girl of simpler tastes. There may have been a bee-line to the prosciutto- does anyone else just eat it out of the deli packet, maybe if the boccincini is in hand grabbing distance I will go between the two. Wow, my eating habits are mmm interesting.
My favourite food from the High tea would have to be the strawberry and rose cake. It was light, fluffy and did not leave that heavy feeling that I feel from most cake. I think I am going to try and recreate this cake...Anyone work at the Hilton and want to get me the recipe? I'm serious, I'll pay you in cake. Not that cake though, that's mine.
Now, a food blog wouldn't be right without some pretty pictures.
I just would like to say a quick hello to my wonderful lady friends that came to the High tea, you made my day and the burritos and frozen margheritas that we had afterwards were even more special.
mmmm margheritas! thanks danielle! it was such a good day! love kate xx