Monday 26 September 2011

Eggplant Chips

Procrastination I wish you were a degree, I would be getting HDs throughout. Many people when faced with a major assignment worth 50% of your grade due in ten days might just do some research on said topic. Not me, I  procastibake, it is where cooking becomes more important than studying. I think my family would wish I would clean when I'm procrastinating, honestly, I would much rather study if that's the case. 
These eggplant chips are amazing, extremely crispy on the outside and soft and gooey on the inside. 
The perfect chip! They are baked and some say healthy, I say that they are so delicious that even when I was full to the point that my jeans were about to pop, I kept eating them.

Recipe sourced from All Recipes: Eggplant Chips

1 Eggplant (Sliced into strips)
A good splashing of oil
30grams of fresh breadcrumbs
1 clove of garlic (Crushed)
2 sprigs of fresh parsley (Chopped finely)
1 teaspoon of oregano
3 tablespoons of parmesan
1 egg
1 tablespoon of milk

Preheat oven to 180degrees.

Slice the eggplant into thick chips. 

Combine the breadcrumbs (I used stale rye bread and blitzed them). Throw in the parsely, garlic, oregano, and parmesan in a bowl and combine.

Get a bowl and crack the egg. Stir to break the egg up, add the milk and stir again.
This is the messy part: Dip the eggplant in the eggwash and then place it into the breadcrumb mixture. Now, the breadcrumbs might not hold onto the eggplant that well, but as long as there is some on then you should still get that nice crispiness to the chips. Once crumbed place them on an oven tray, or if you have a pizza crisper tray that works wonders!

Splash some olive oil over the chips, don't toss them as the crumbs will go loose
Cook for around 25 minutes. You want the middle to be nice and soft and the outside crispy

Enjoy and serve with a burger!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
    i'm officially your number one fan :D

    i'm definitely trying those eggplant chips!!
    can't wait to see more missy :D


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